Automatic coffee makers may be convenient, but nothing is better than a Crio Brü brewing cocoa made in a French press. Brewing cocoa in a French press improves the flavor intensity of your drink since the grounds are allowed to soak in hot water and the essential oils are not filtered out by a paper filter. The result is a richly delicious, tasty cup of cocoa.
The drawback is that brewing cocoa in a French Press requires 8 to 10 minutes of brew time. If you are on the go and don’t have time to wait, the Bodum travel French press is the answer. Bodum has created a French press that doubles as a cup. The double wall design allows the cocoa to stay warm for a long time. The lid has been specially designed to easily flip open and tightly close again. It is a handy cup that fits safely into most car cups holders.
Simple Instructions:
1. After removing the cap and plunger, add 5 Tblsp of Crio Brü grounds into the travel press.
2. Pour 12 oz of boiling water into the travel press and stir.
3. If you plan to add cream, sugar or flavor, I recommend adding it at this point and before stirring.
4. Place plunger lid on top of cup to help maintain temperature, but do not press plunger down. Wait at least 8 minutes to ensure full flavor extraction.
5. With the lid screwed on and the spout opened, slowly and gently press the plunger filter until the filter is pressed into the grounds at the bottom of the cup. Be careful not to press too fast or too hard; hot water may splash out or the plunger may separate from the filter.
6. Enjoy your healthy cocoa!
To clean the cup, carefully pull plunger out and rinse with hot water. Tap cup to remove grounds and either hand wash or place in dishwasher.
I particularly like cocoa in the travel French press because cocoa does not have a tendency to bitter when left in contact with the grounds, it just gets richer. The quality of coffee or tea brewed in a travel French Press will diminish the longer the contact with the grounds or tea leaves.
So if you love a brewed cocoa prepared in a French press but find you don’t have time to wait for it to brew or maybe you want to brew your Crio Brü at work, the Bodum travel French press is for you.
Which Crio Brü brewed cocoa do you think would taste best in the travel French press?

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